Building Access Code




1/02/24 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

During Independent Venue Week we want to get together with those working locally to support artists/bands.

Do you offer a service that benefits artists and bands in our region? You might be working freelance, for a company or run a company yourself. If you are based in the Liverpool City Region, we’d like to invite you to Future Yard for an evening of discussion and information gathering.

Not only do we want to get to know you and the work you do for the promising talent in Liverpool City Region, but we also want to provide a friendly and informal opportunity to talk about the challenges and opportunities of working in this area and discuss how we can work together to ensure that we can continue to do the jobs that we love in a sustainable and healthy way.

Are you accessing the support that you need? Do you feel you have barriers to success? Are you achieving your goals and progressing your careers in an impactful way? Do you know many people locally that you’d like to work with? Are you aware of what other services are being provided in our region? Are you trying to build your experience and skills to further yourself in this industry?

We’d love for you to join us, please RSVP as we have limited space and if you have any questions or ideas in the meantime you can drop a line.

Please note, this event is not for bands or artists, unless you are working to support the careers of musicians other than yourselves.


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